No download cap: Stop worrying about monthly metered usage, just pay a fixed price and enjoy unlimited data transfer
Easy to use UI & Documentation: Set up your account in minutes and immediately begin sharing your repositories with your team! Setting up your account should not take significant effort
Cloud-native server: We store your repositories across multiple servers to ensure high availability. Never worry about a hardware failure impacting your developers again
Better user management: Easily managed to provide or restrict access to your clients
Continuous integration support: CloudRepo integrates with all major CI tools including Bitbucket Pipelines, GitLab, CircleCi, TravisCi, and more!
Branded hostname: Host your repositories with a custom domain name
JVM technology support: CloudRepo supports all Maven based repositories: Leinigen and Boot for Clojure, SBT for Scala, Ivy for Gradle, and Maven for Java
Single sign-on compatible: Manage your users straight from from Okta; no maintaining user lists in two places
Try CloudRepo free for 14 days (no credit card required).
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